
Saturday, March 22nd: 6:00– 7:30 pm – Kids’ Call; 7:30 pm Adults & Teens
Sunday, March 23rd – 6:00 pm – Adults & Teens
Tuesday, March 25 – 7:00pm – Callbacks (by invitation only)

Safe, a live staged reading and concert
Saturday, April 12th @ 1:00 PM
Sunday, April 13th @ 7:00 PM

The Wizard of Oz
Monday, March 17 at 7pm
Tuesday, March 18 at 7pm
Thursday, March 20 at 7:30pm (callbacks)

Coloring (A Staged Reading in the Black Box)
Virtual Submission Deadline: February 11, 2025

Saturday, February 1st at 1:00 p.m
Sunday, February 2nd at 7:00 p.m.
Callbacks: Tuesday, February 4th at 7:30 p.m.

The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
Sunday, December 15th at 6:00 pm
Monday, December 16th at 7:00 pm
CALLBACKS: Wednesday, December 18th at 7:00 pm *Invitation only

The Mousetrap
Saturday, December 7 at 1:00 PM
Sunday, December 8 at 7:00 PM
Tuesday, December 10 at 7:00 PM callbacks

Grease- a Teens on Stage Production
Sunday November 10, 10AM
Monday November 11, 7PM
Tuesday November 12, 6:30PM (callback if needed)

Sunday, October 13 at 7pm
Monday, October 14 at 7pm
Wednesday, October 16 at 7pm

A Christmas Carol
Sunday, October 6 at 7pm
Monday, October 7 at 7pm
Callbacks Tuesday, October 8 at 7pm

Rip Van Winkle: CENTER Players on Tour
Rip Van Winkle: an Interactive Touring Production
Sunday, 8/11@ 11:00 AM
Tuesday, 8/13@ 5:00 PM
Monday, 8/19@ 5:00 PM callbacks

One Night with Albee: The Zoo Story & The American Dream, A CENTER Black Box Show
One Night with Albee:
The Zoo Story & The American Dream
A CENTER Black Box Production
Saturday, 8/10 @ 1:00 PM
Sunday, 8/11 @ 7:00 PM
Monday, 8/12 @ 7:00 PM callbacks

Harvey - A CENTER Black Box Production
A CENTER Black Box Production
Saturday, June 15, @ 1:00 PM
Sunday, June 16, @ 7:00 PM
Monday, June 17, @ 7:00 PM callbacks

Murder on the Orient Express
Murder on the Orient Express
Saturday, May 4th @ 1:00 PM
Sunday, May 5th @ 7:00 PM
Monday, May 6th @ 7:00 PM callbacks

Guys and Dolls
Saturday, April 6th at 1:00 pm
Sunday, April 7th at 7:00 pm
CALLBACKS: Monday, April 8th at 7 pm

My Fair Lady
My Fair Lady
Rhinebeck Theatre Society
Saturday, March 16th at 1:00 pm
Sunday, March 17th at 7:00 pm

The Little Tragedies
The Little Tragedies
A CENTER Black Box Production
Saturday, March 9 @ 1:00 PM
Sunday, March 10 @ 7:00 PM
Monday, March 11 @ 7:00 PM callbacks

Sunday, January 28th at 7 pm
Monday, January 29th at 7 pm.
Callbacks will be held by invitation on Saturday Feb 3 at 1pm.

Little Shop of Horrors
Little Shop of Horrors
Saturday, January 20 @ 1:00 PM
Sunday, January 21 @ 7:00 PM
Monday, January 22 @ 7:00 PM callbacks

The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Saturday, January 6 @ 1:00 PM
Sunday, January 7 @ 7:00 PM
Monday, January 8 @ 7:00 PM callbacks

Alice by Heart- a Teens on Stage Production
Teens on Stage is holding auditions for our winter workshop of Alice by Heart!

Little Women
Auditions: Saturday, October 14 at 1 pm, Sunday, October 15 at 7 pm. Callbacks will be held by invitation on Monday, October 16 at 7 pm. All auditions will be at The CENTER for Performing Arts at Rhinebeck. (661 Route 308, Rhinebeck, NY 12572)
Performance Dates: December 8th - 23rd at The CENTER for Performing Arts at Rhinebeck (661 Route 308, Rhinebeck, NY 12572). Fridays & Saturdays at 8 pm, Sundays at 3 pm.
***There also may be one or two school shows during weekdays.***

Sunday, October 8 at 7pm
Monday, October 9 at 7pm
Callbacks: Tuesday, October 10 at 7pm (callbacks by invitation only)
Location: The CENTER for the Performing Arts at Rhinebeck.
Director: Peter Risafi
Musical Direction: JoAnne and Paul Schubert
Producer: CENTERstage Productions
Performance dates: Saturday, Jan 6 – Sunday, Jan 21, 2024. Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm, Sundays at 3pm. Additional performances Saturdays 1/13 & 1/20 at 3pm

Peter and the Starcatcher
Up In One Productions
Peter and the Starcatcher Auditions
Saturday, Sept. 9th at 1:00 pm
Sunday, Sept. 10th at 7:00 pm
Callbacks: Monday, Sept. 11th at 7 pm
(by invitation only)
Location: The CENTER for Performing Arts
Director/Choreographer: Nicole Tarcza
Music Directors: Paul & JoAnne Schubert
Stage Manager: Marie Weinfurt
Producer: Diana di Grandi
Performance Dates: November 3 – 19, 2023, Fridays & Saturdays at 8 PM, Sundays at 3 PM;
(possible weekday morning performance on 11/08)
1. 16 -32 bars of a song of your choice. Either bring your piano sheet music for our accompanist or a recording of your music.
2. Prepare one of the monologues from the show in our packet (link at bottom). Not all characters have monologues in the packet. Choose the one you think best demonstrates what you can do.
3. Be prepared to list any rehearsal conflicts
Note: While this show is not a musical, it is a play with music. Not all actors will be required to sing in the show; but everyone is asked to sing at their audition. Please note that Molly, Black Stache, Mrs Bumbrake and Smee are featured singers.
Seeking: Highly versatile performers. We will be building a diverse ensemble of creative actors who can tell any theatrical story with physical expression, language, a few props and a ton of imagination. We strongly encourage performers of all identities: races, gender expressions, sizes, physical abilities, sexual orientation, religions, ethnicities, and countries of origin to audition.
As Wicked provides a prequel to The Wizard of Oz, the Story of Peter and the Starcatcher provides a humorous and fantastical backstory for the beloved character of Peter Pan and his arch-nemesis Captain Hook. In this wickedly imaginative play, we meet a poor orphan on the high seas simply called Boy because, in the absence of a mother and a father, he was never given a name. His sad and lonely world is turned upside down when he meets Molly. The daughter of famous Starcatcher Lord Astor, our heroine, is on a mission to save the world and protect a treasure trunk filled with magical star stuff from getting into the hands of evil and greedy pirate Black Stache. As they travel aboard the Neverland ship headed for a faraway land, Molly and Boy learn about love and friendship and forge an unbreakable bond.
Book by Rick Elice Music by Wayne Barker
Black Stache - A notorious pirate, terrorizing the seven seas in search of a worthy adversary. Heartless, hirsute, and suspiciously well-read. Partial to the poetical and theatrical, which causes him to behave quite flamboyantly. Gender: Male, Age: 30 to 50
Molly Aster - A young girl and Starcatcher apprentice who is taken aboard the Neverland as precious cargo. Curious and intelligent, she is only beginning to understand the confusing romantic longings that come with her age. She will risk anything for the sake of what is right. Gender: Female, Age: 16 to 25
Boy/Peter - A lonely and hardened orphan who doesn't miss much. Nameless, homeless, and friendless at the beginning of the play and a hero by the end. He wants a home and a family more than anything, and dreams of a life of being free. Gender: Male, Age: 16 to 25
Grempkin - The schoolmaster of St. Norbert's Orphanage for Lost Boys. Mean and malodorous, he revels in keeping his boys in the dark and malnourished. Gender: Male, Age: 40 to 60 Optional Doublings include: FIGHTING PRAWN; MACK; SÁNCHEZ.
Mrs. Bumbrake - Molly's nanny, a stereotypical British cad and outfitted with the duty of teaching Molly about womanhood. She still has enough charm in her age to attract a sailor or two. Optional Doubling as TEACHER. Gender: Female Presenting, Age: 40 to 60
Bill Slank - The vicious orphaned captain of the Neverland. Does not possess the capacity to lead anyone but himself, which puts himself constantly in disaster. Greedy enough to send boys to their doom for thechance of gaining starstuff. Gender: Male, Age: 35 to 55. Optional Doubling as HAWKING CLAM.
Smee - Black Stache's first mate. He is single-mindedly dedicated to his captain's every whim. Gender: Male, Age: 25 to 55
Prentiss - An orphan, ambitious, hyper-articulate, and logical. He yearns to be a leader, even when he knows in his heart that he'll never be one. A bit of a blowhard with a touch of cowardice. Gender: Male, Age: 13 to 25
Alf - A seafarer, an old sea dog proud of his tenure. His kind heart gives him an appeal to the feminine sensibility. Gender: Male, Age: 50 to 65
Lord Leonard Aster - Molly's father, a loyal subject to the Queen. The very model of a Victorian English gentleman, he is a faithful friend and a secret Starcatcher. Gender: Male, Age: 40 to 60
Captain Robert Falcon Scott - Lord Aster's old school friend, the captain of the Wasp, Britain's fastest frigate. Lives with nautical bravura and heroic patriotism. Gender: Male, Age: 35 to 45
Ted - An orphan obsessed with food. A natural performer with easy wit and quite poetic language. Gender: Male, Age: 16 to 25
Ensemble - Sailors; Seamen; Seafarers; Orphans; Pirates; Mermaids; Mollusks; Narrators
Please click on the following link for the audition monologues and the rehearsal schedule:
Audition Material and Schedule
For questions, contact: upinoneprod@gmail.com

The Iceman Cometh
Audition Dates:
Saturday, August 12, 2023 at 1pm
Sunday, August 13, 2023 at 7pm
Callbacks: Monday, August 14, 2023 at 7pm
CENTERstage Productions presents The Iceman Cometh, a play written by Eugene O’Neill in 1939 and first published in 1946, premiered on Broadway the same year.
A monologue will be provided at auditions and sides will be provided at callbacks.
Eugene O’Neill, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1936, is generally considered to be one of our greatest playwrights. And The Iceman Cometh is considered by many to be his finest work.
The play is set at Harry Hope’s rundown saloon and boarding house in 1912 and tells the story of a group of aimless patrons and boarders whose empty lives underscore the human need for dreaming and hope. It opens with the rag-tag group awaiting the arrival of their favorite visitor, charismatic salesman Theodore “Hickey” Hickman. Typically, Hickey brings the party and brightens their dismal lives. When Hickey appears this time, things take a turn. Hickey has a dark secret, is newly sober, and urges the men to find a new life of peace and contentment. Thrown into disarray by their fervent friend, the men at Harry Hope’s bar are forced to confront their life choices and see the reality of who they are. There is one member of the group who is not impressed with Hickey’s turnaround and demands to know why Hickey has changed his life so drastically. Eventually, Hickey is forced to reveal the devastating turn of events in his own life.
Director: Donna Betts
Producer: CENTERstage Productions
Location: The Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck, NY
Performance Dates: October 20-22 and October 27-29, Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm, Sundays at 3pm
Seeking: We strongly encourage women, persons of color, and LGBTQ+ individuals to audition. We are strongly committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion in all areas of our work.
Questions: Contact Director Donna Betts at bettsdo@cs.com
Casting Breakdown:
Theodore Hickman
A salesman. Immediately likable, Hickey speaks like a salesman with an easy flow of glib, persuasive convincingness. Hickey is the saloon’s anxiously awaited guest, his arrival promising free drinks and merriment. However, this time the group’s “messiah” comes bearing a different gospel of salvation, urging them to divest themselves of their pipe dreams and make peace with themselves. Male, 40 to 60’s
Larry Slade
Once a Syndicalist-Anarchist. Having bitterly retired from the work, he presents himself as a man who has chosen to watch the carnage form the grandstand of philosophical detachment and eagerly awaits his death. O’Neill notes that Larry has a mystic’s meditative eyes with a gleam of sharp sardonic humor in them and his look of tired tolerance gives his face the quality of a weary priest. Male, 60’s
Don Parritt.
Parritt is a young man who is on the run having tipped off the police about his mother’s anarchist activities. He searches for Larry who he believes was in love with his mother and who he believes was the one person who cared for him. Male, 20 to 30’s
Harry Hope
The owner of the saloon and rooming house. Likable to all he hides his vulnerability behind a testy truculent manner but fools no one. Hope has not ventured outside the bar in twenty years since the death of his wife Bessie. Male, 60’s
Rocky Pioggi
Rocky is an Italian American who tends bar at night. He maintains Pearl and Margie as “ladies of the night” but fervently claims he is not their pimp. His temperament is prickly and he is hot-headed but loyal to Harry and protective of the establishment. Male, 30 to 50’s
Hugo spends much of the play drunk and when he does speak it is with a heavy German accent. He intermittently denounces the crowd and whines for a drink. Male, 60’s
Ed Mosher
A born grafter, con man, and practical joker. He had a career in the circus. He is Hope’s brother-in-law. Male, 50 to 60’s
Pat McGloin
Mosher’s drinking partner. He has the look of his former police days. Once brutal and greedy he is good-humored. Male 50 to 60’s
Willie Oban
Willie left Harvard Law School upon the ruin of his prominent industrialist father. Male, 30 to 50.
Joe Mott
A black man who dreams of re-opening his gambling house. Male, 50 to 60’s
Piet Wetjoen
The “General” is Lewis’s drinking partner and one-time leader of a Boer commando. Male, 60’s
Cecil Lewis
The “Captain” a Boer War veteran, speaks with an English accent. 60’s
James Cameron
Jimmy Tomorrow, a former newspaper writer, is elegant, intelligent, and reserved. Male, 60’s
Chuck Morello
Chuck is the day bartender at the saloon who plans to marry Cora. Male, 30 to 40’s
Rocky’s “tart” a bit ditzy, sentimental and lazy, and content with life. Female, 20 to 30’s
Also Rocky’s “tart” a bit ditzy, sentimental and lazy, and content with life. Female, 20 to 30’s
Cora is also a lady of the night and plans to marry Chuck and move to a farm in New Jersey. 30 to 40’s
Detective. Male, 30 to 40’s
Also, a detective. Male, 30 to 40’s

TroupEnigma presents
Written by Peter Shaffer. Directed by Michael Juzwak.
Auditions Dates:
● Saturday, July 22, 2023 at 1:00 p.m.
● Sunday, July 23, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.
● Monday, July 24, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.
Rehearsals will begin sometime late July/early August and the show runs the first two weekends of October, October 6,7,8 and October 13, 14, 15.
Location: The CENTER for Performing Arts of Rhinebeck
Plot Synopsis: Dr. Martin Dysart, a psychiatrist who has grown unhappy with his life, takes on the peculiar case of Alan Strang, a reserved teenager who has been accused of brutally blinding six horses. Dysart slowly unravels Alan’s background, learning that he grew up in a strained household with a devoutly religious mother and an atheist father. But as Dysart begins to trace the roots of Alan’s problems, his own also begins to surface.
● Alan Strang – teen-age Patient, must be 18 or older. (Nudity Required and will be tastefully done)
○ An intense teenage boy, with a deep connection to religion, who blinds six horses one night in Harry Dalton’s stable. He is the son of Frank and Dora Strang. Up until the crime, Alan worked a job that he hated at an appliance store and spent weekends in Dalton’s stable, grooming the horses. Sent to psychiatrist Martin Dysart for treatment, Alan slowly discloses details about his repressed childhood and his fascination with horses. He eventually reveals the secret rituals he practices in praise of Equus, the horse-god he has invented.
● Frank Strang – his Father
○ Alan Strang’s father, a devoted atheist, and a hardworking, “self-improving” man. Frank’s strict and sometimes-explosive nature is the main source of tension in the Strang household. In addition, his atheism often comes into conflict with the religious feeling of his wife Dora, and son Alan. Though Frank seems to be an exceedingly disciplined and rigid person, his own vices – and needs – are revealed when he is seen at the same pornography theater to which Jill Mason takes Alan.
● Dora Strang – his Mother
○ Alan Strang’s mother. A devout Christian and an indulgent parent, Dora brought up her son by telling him Bible stories and secretly allowing him to watch television, an activity her husband, Frank Strang, forbade. She is heartbroken by Alan’s crime but believes that neither she nor Frank is to blame for his bizarre behavior.
● Hesther Salomon – a Magistrate/Dysart’s confidant
○ A magistrate who convinces the court to send Alan Strang to get psychiatric treatment instead of going to prison. She is also Martin Dysart’s close friend and confidante.
● Jill Mason – Young Girl, must be at least 18 years old. (Nudity Required tastefully done..an intimacy coach will be used for the play)
○ An employee at Harry Dalton’s stable. A kind and free-spirited person, she meets Alan Strang at the appliance store where he works, recognizes that he is often watching the horses at the stable, and gets him the job working weekends at the stable. Jill takes a liking to Alan, and eventually takes him on a date to a pornography theater and then back to the stable for sex. Alan’s failure to have sex with Jill is the catalyst for his crime against the horses.
● Harry Dalton – stable Owner
○ The owner of the horse stable where Jill Mason and Alan Strang work.
● Nurse
○ A nurse at Rokesby Psychiatric Hospital who cares for Alan Strang.
● Six Actors, including :
○ The Horseman who also plays Nugget
○ The man who gives Alan Strang his first horseback ride, when he was just a boy and who eventually Alan becomes obsessed with as his substitute Christ/God figure.
○ Horses
■ Another five horses who are instrumental in Alan’s crime as well as diagnosis. They will wear sculpted horse heads and walk on ‘hooves’. Nugget will have to carry Alan on his back. There will be a ‘movement’ choreographer.
Strong Actors needed, ages 20-99. All ethnicities and ages are strongly encouraged to audition. Only the part of Martin Dystart is precast.
Preparation: Auditions will be selected readings from the script.
Be prepared to list conflicts For any questions please contact Michael Juzwak at: mjuzwak@hvc.rr.com

The Lightning Thief- a Teens on Stage Production
The Lightning Thief
The Percy Jackson Musical
Book by
Joe Tracz
Music & Lyrics by
Rob Rokicki
Adapted from the book The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
Directed and Choreographed by Lynne Czajka
Musical Direction by Andrew Stein
Fri July 14, 5PM
Sat July 15, 10AM
Sun July 16, 10AM- callback if needed
AUDITION FORM: Feel free to print out and bring your copy to the audition.
A more detailed rehearsal schedule to come. Rehearsals will take place weekday afternoons and weekend mornings. Rehearsals begin July 24.
Tech Week Sun 7-10PM, Mon-Thurs 5-10PM | September 17-21
NOTE: A detailed rehearsal schedule will be given out after casting notifications have gone out. All participants may not be called for every class. All participants must attend all of tech week and every performance. Call times for performances are an hour and a half before the curtain goes up. Please bring your schedule to the audition and be prepared to list all conflicts.
Fri September 22 & Sat 23 at 8PM, Sun September 24 at 3PM
Fri September 29 & Sat 30 at 8PM, Sun October 1 at 3PM
Ages: 13-18 (18 year olds must be currently enrolled in high school)
Tuition: $325 (each participant entitled to two complimentary tickets)
This is a Teens on Stage Workshop. Anyone interested must first audition. Once cast, cast members must register and pay for the workshop online.
Auditions will be held on Friday July 14 at 5PM and Saturday July 15 at 10AM downstairs at The CENTER. Those auditioning only need to come to one of these dates. Auditions will happen on a first come, first served basis. If needed, those auditioning may be asked to a callback on Sunday July 16 at 10AM.
If you cannot attend either audition date, please reach out to Lynne at lynne.czajka@gmail.com to arrange a virtual audition no later than Wednesday July 12.
The Lightning Thief is a musical. Please prepare a 32-bar cut of a song in the style of the show (can be from show or not). Those auditioning should bring sheet music for accompanist or come prepared with a backing track to sing along to; auditions cannot be done a cappella. Sides will be provided at auditions (or via email if a virtual audition is requested).
We are committed to diverse casting. We strongly encourage any gender identity, persons of color, and LGBTQ+ individuals to audition.
As the half-blood son of a Greek god, Percy Jackson has newly-discovered powers he can't control, a destiny he doesn't want, and a mythology textbook's worth of monsters on his trail. When Zeus's master lightning bolt is stolen and Percy becomes the prime suspect, he has to find and return the bolt to prove his innocence and prevent a war between the gods. But to succeed on his quest, Percy will have to do more than catch the thief. He must travel to the Underworld and back; solve the riddle of the Oracle, which warns him of betrayal by a friend; and come to terms with the father who abandoned him. Adapted from the best-selling book The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan and featuring a thrilling original rock score, The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical is an action-packed mythical adventure.
Book by Joe Tracz
Music and Lyrics by Rob Rokicki

Dance Nation
By Clare Barron
Definitely Human Theatre
Thursday, July 13th at 7pm.
If you are unable to attend this new audition day and can't film a self tape, please reach out to definitelyhumantheatre@gmail.com
Self tapes will also be accepted through the 13th until 11:59pm.
Follow the link below for guidelines on auditioning virtually.
The CENTER for Performing Arts at Rhinebeck
Directors: Joey Taylor, Vanessa Baer
Choreographer: Brooke Wallace
Rehearsal Period: July 16 - September 7
Performance Dates: September 8 - 17, Fridays, Saturdays at 8p; Sundays at 3p
Project description:
Everyone is nice.
Everyone is vulnerable.
And everyone is trying their hardest.
Somewhere in America, an army of pre-teen competitive dancers plots to take over the world. And if their new routine is good enough, they’ll claw their way to the top at Nationals in Tampa Bay. An unorthodox play about ambition, growing up, and how to find our souls in the heat of it all.
Cuteness is death. Pagan feral-ness and ferocity are key.
Winner! 2015 Relentless Award
Winner! 2017 Susan Smith Blackburn Prize
Finalist 2018 Pulitzer prize
“A blazingly original play… marvel at how close what you see cuts to the bone.” – The New York Times
“I have seen the future, and it is Dance Nation.” – The Washington Post
“If you were ever a 13-year-old girl, Clare Barron’s daring, raw Dance Nation will probably hit you hard {...} It’s a brave, visceral, excitingly off-kilter barbaric yawp of a play. And it gets at something excruciatingly tender: the burden of modesty on young American women.” – New York Magazine
Audition Safety protocols:
In order to provide a safe, accessible space, masks will be required at auditions and throughout the rehearsal process. Masks will be available at auditions if needed
Please prepare: Nothing!
Sides will be available at auditions. Brownie points if you read the play. If you’d like to check out the sides in advance, email us @ definitelyhumantheatre@gmail.com Come prepared to participate in theatre games/movement activities and for learning choreography (Dress comfortably, stay hydrated! Knee pads are suggested.)
Content Transparency: This show contains coarse language, depictions of self-harm, simulated masturbation and descriptions of masturbation, sex and sexual violence.
*Although the characters in the play, with the exception of Dance Teacher Pat and Luke, are women, all roles are open to 18+ actors of any gender.
Similarly, all roles are open to actors of any ethnicity with the exception of Connie, who must be played by an actor of South Asian descent.
**DANCE TEACHER PAT: The head of the dance studio.
AMINA: The star dancer.
*This role requires simulated masturbation.
ZUZU: Always second best.
CONNIE: A talented dancer who thinks she should play the role of Gandhi.
*This role requires a simulated kiss.
*Actor must be of South Asian descent
LUKE: The only male dancer on the competition team.
MAEVE: The oldest and least talented dancer on the team.
SOFIA: Knows what’s up.
ASHLEE: Future president of a post-apocalyptic USA.
*This role requires a simulated kiss.
CRUMPLED SAILOR aka VANESSA: Could’ve been a phenomenon
THE MOMS: Means well. Grown-up wendy. Also plays Vanessa.
**Role of DANCE TEACHER PAT has been fulfilled as of 6/1/23