Support The CENTER

Become A Member
For any questions, please call the CENTER at 845.876.3080
Become an ANGEL with your contribution of $1,000 +
Your name will be displayed in The CENTER’s lobby for one year as an ANGEL.
4 complimentary tickets to any CENTER production during the year (must call the box office to receive this benefit).
Become a PRODUCER with your contribution of $500 - $999
Your name will be displayed in The CENTER’s lobby for one year as a PRODUCER.
3 complimentary tickets to any CENTER production during the year (must call ahead to the box office to receive this benefit).
Become a DIRECTOR and contribute $250 - $499
Your name will be displayed in The CENTER’s lobby for one year as a DIRECTOR.
2 complimentary tickets to any CENTER production during the year (must call ahead to the box office to receive this benefit).
Become a LEADING PLAYER with your contribution of $100 - $249
Your name will be displayed in The CENTER's lobby for one year as a LEADING PLAYER.
One complimentary ticket to any CENTER production during the year (must call the box office ahead to receive this benefit).
**All memberships are tax-deductible less $25 per complimentary ticket. Members may waive complimentary tickets to preserve the full value of their contribution.

Calling all theater lovers!
We welcome the support of wonderful people who are able to volunteer their time and/or resources.
Do you enjoy seeing live theater at The CENTER?
Are you good with people?
Can you spare 1 hour a month to support the arts?
Would you like free seats to every show you usher?
Please consider becoming a volunteer usher at The CENTER for Performing Arts at Rhinebeck. Benefits include guaranteed FREE seating for every show that you usher!
If you would like to usher at The CENTER, please click the link below and fill out our Usher Interest Form.
Sam Scripps
Produce, Direct, & More.
If you are interested in performing, directing, producing, or have other ideas of skills or resources you have to offer, please contact The CENTER's Artistic Director, Olivia Michaels Bogert at (845) 876-3088 x 12 or by email.
If you are interested in working on shows in a technical aspect, please contact The CENTER's Technical Director, Patrick Bogert at (845) 876-3088 x15 or by email.

We at The CENTER for Performing Arts at Rhinebeck would like to invite you to advertise with us. For our 2021-22 year, we offer exciting advertising initiatives for businesses to reach our broad audience of consumers.
We offer exciting digital opportunities!
Please note - time periods are dictated by when you begin advertising.
One time period = 4 months
Two time periods = 8 months
Three time periods = 1 year
Purchasing an ad at The CENTER is a unique way of supporting the arts in your community, while sharing your services with our theater patrons and your customers.
For information please contact:
Olivia Michaels Bogert
845-876-3088 x12
Option 1: CENTER Lobby
Your color ad will be featured on a a video slideshow in the CENTER's lobby, alternating on two screens.
Each advertiser's graphic will be seen 15 times during one hour prior to performances, four times during intermission and eight times at the end of the show.
Pricing Options for Lobby Advertising:
One time period - $225.00
Two time periods - $390.00
Three time periods - $500.00
Option 2: CENTER Brochure & Lobby
A maximum of six advertisers will have the opportunity to place their color ad on select locations of the CENTER's brochure, which is mailed to approximately 19,000 households. Another 3,000 are distributed to various locations throughout the Hudson Valley.
Plus all advertising laid out in option 1 & 2 above.
Pricing Options for Brochure & Lobby Advertising
One time period - $500.00
Two time periods - $875.00
Three time periods - $1125.00
Facilities Rental.
For information about renting facilities at the CENTER for events or performances, please contact Artistic Director, Interim Olivia Michaels Bogert by email.

Sponsor A Show.
Become a GOLD PRODUCTION SPONSOR for just $3,000 and for any show you sponsor you will receive:
*Co-production credit
*Your company’s logo on The CENTER’s outdoor road sign
*Your business is included in all production-related social media including links to your website
*An informational table in The CENTER’s lobby on opening night
*An opening night reception and photo opportunities with the cast and crew
*Half-page black and white ad in The CENTER’s 2021-22 Program
*All benefits from the SILVER SPONSOR package
Become a SILVER PRODUCTION SPONSOR for just $2,000 and for any show you sponsor you will receive:
*Your company’s name on all posters, flyers, and programs
*Your company’s logo on The CENTER’s electronic lobby display and on The CENTER’s website
*A special press release announcing your sponsorship
*Your company’s promotional material on display in The CENTER’s lobby throughout the production’s entire run
*A prominent mention in the recorded greeting at the start of all performances
*Quarter page black and white ad in The CENTER’s 2021 -22 Program
Become a CHILDREN’S SPONSOR for just $1,500 and for a four-month season of The CENTER’s highly-acclaimed Saturday Morning Family Series, you will receive:
*Your company’s logo on all Family Series posters, fliers, and programs during the season
*Your company’s logo on The CENTER’s electronic lobby display and on The CENTER’s website
*A special press release announcing your sponsorship and presence in all subsequent Family Series press releases during the season
*Your company’s promotional material on display in The CENTER’s lobby throughout the season
*A prominent mention in the live greeting at the start of all performances throughout the season
We are open to discuss any additional ideas or special promotions.
For more information, please contact:
Kerry Dotson
Managing Director
(845) 876-3088 ext. 17
Planned Giving.
Did you know there are creative ways to support The CENTER for Performing Arts at Rhinebeck? Ways in which The CENTER, you and your loved ones all benefit at the same time?
Such giving techniques are called "planned gifts," because with thoughtful planning, you can create a gift that benefits both you and THE CENTER.
Planned gifts include gifts created through your will, living trust, retirement plan or life insurance policy. Also included are giving tools we call “gifts that pay you back” such as charitable trusts and gift annuities that provide you with an income stream for the rest of your life.
The simplest way to make a planned gift is to include The CENTER in your will or trust. You can make your bequest unrestricted or direct it to a specific purpose. You can also indicate a specific amount or a percentage of the balance remaining in your estate or trust.
Some planned gifts entitle you to an immediate income tax deduction; others provide flexibility during your lifetime and can provide benefits to your estate and your heirs. All of them enable you to create a philanthropic legacy much more meaningful than you may have ever imagined.
We will be pleased to talk with you confidentially about the opportunities for you to support our endowment. We will also be happy to share more information with you about planned gifts and how they can meet your personal, financial and philanthropic goals.
Thank you for your interest and support. The gifts you plan today will create a solid foundation for THE CENTER tomorrow and far into the future.
The material presented on this Planned Giving website is not offered as legal or tax advice.
Neither the author, the publisher, nor The CENTER is engaged in legal or tax advisory service. For advice or assistance in specific cases or whether to make certain a contemplated gift fits well into your overall circumstances and planning, the services of an attorney or other professional advisor should be obtained.
The purpose of this website is to provide general gift, estate, and financial planning information. Watch for tax revisions. State laws govern wills, trusts, and charitable gifts made in a contractual agreement. Advice from legal counsel should be sought when considering these types of gifts.
We do not collect or store any sensitive information through this website. When you send us an e-mail, just remember that like any other e-mail it is not secure, and therefore you should refrain from sending sensitive data such as social security numbers, credit card numbers, bank routing numbers, and the like.