Sleepy Hollow Halloween Show

Tuesday October 29, 2024 at 10AM: Sleepy Hollow Halloween Show, presented by Kit’s Interactive Theatre

Suggested grades: K-6

Length: Approximately 45 minutes

Sleepy Hollow, New York - 1799 - The Sleepy Hollow Halloween Show weaves the characters from Washington Irving's classic story into a new and exciting tale.  Designed to be spooky (but not scary), the show begins where the original story leaves off.   Ichabod Crane was last seen riding home from Herr Van Tassel's October gala.  No one seems to know what happened to Ichabod...until now.  Determined to find the true identity of the Headless Horseman, Ichabod Crane enlists the help of his friend, Katrina Van Tassle, in his search.  They encounter a wayward coachman, skeletons that high-step in a graveyard dance and even Rip Van Winkle appears for a rousing game of ninepins.  Though in the end the Headless Horseman is revealed, students are left with a question that can only be answered by reading Washington Irving's enduring story.

Kit’s Website resources

Tickets are $10 per audience member.
Email or call the Education Department at (845) 876-3088  for reservation information.

BOCES funding is welcome.